Your Loved One Is the Centre of Our Care

Compassionate care is what you will be looking for when looking for a care home for your loved one. But what exactly is that? At LuxuryCare, we believe it is a mixture of things:
- Showing an understanding
- Listening to preferences
- Validating thoughts and feelings
- Respecting boundaries and independence
- Always having a smile on our face
- Always up for a chat
- Always a listening ear
But at the core of what we do is personalisation. We believe care isn’t compassionate unless it is completely centred around your loved one. Whether your loved one is joining us for our specialist dementia care, nursing care, general residential care, palliative care or a short respite care stay, we create bespoke care plans that all our staff follow. In doing this, we truly put your loved one at the centre of our care so you can rest assured that they are receiving the exact care they need and the right level they need.
In this blog, we want to share how we achieve this.
Specialised Dementia Care
Dementia symptoms and progression differ for everyone, which means a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work.
The team at LuxuryCare are passionate about providing care that helps your loved one, meeting their individual challenges and working to slow the progression of the disease.
In order to achieve this, we use the ‘behavioural staging’ model from Dr Gemma Jones. This model categorises the stages of dementia and allows us to track your loved one’s symptoms and map them to these stages. It provides a shorthand way to describe their condition, needs and abilities.
Using this model is important in our care because it helps us identify the range of different symptoms across the progression of dementia and create a plan that suits that stage and the symptoms experienced.
At the base of the care plan we put together using the behavioural stages is an understanding of your loved one’s likes, dislikes, biography and lifestyle.
Collating all of this together into one care plan allows us to ensure we provide the level of care your loved one needs without stepping in the way of their independence. It also means we can add activities, such as music and art, and daily life experiences that we know your loved one will enjoy so that they feel satisfied and are living the best life they can in our home.

Personalised Care Plans
We have already mentioned several times before that we create personalised care plans for each of our residents.
We truly believe that without a customised care plan, we wouldn’t be able to meet your loved one’s needs, which is why this is one of the first things we set about sorting once your admission has been confirmed.
Care should go beyond medical or personal hygiene needs and extend to personal preferences and life experiences and seek to care for your loved one’s mental and emotional well-being as well as their physical well-being. Our care home care plans are comprehensive to ensure this.
Each plan covers:
- Medical needs
- Personal hygiene assistance
- Mobility assistance
- Food and nutrition needs – including dietary requirements and preferences
- Care preferences – how do they like receiving the care?
- Additional equipment that may be needed in rooms and our facilities
- Likes and dislikes – hobbies, interests etc
- Life experiences
- Life story
- Family and friends
- Current care situation
We create them through in-depth conversations with you, your loved one moving in with us, current cares and medical professionals to get a holistic view of their condition, current needs and life story.
Creating a Family Atmosphere
Of course, putting your loved one at the centre of our care isn’t all about the care we provide. The small things, such as the lifestyle and atmosphere we create, are a big part of this.
It doesn’t matter if your loved one is moving into one of our care homes for the long term, for a short stay or simply visiting for the day we want everyone to feel at home.
Our team carefully thinks about how we can do this and work hard to implement different ideas throughout the year.
But the main ways we create a family atmosphere and sense of home for your loved one is through:
- Personalising their rooms
- Planning activities they enjoy
- Creating home-cooked meals that they have chosen
- Having an open-door policy for visitors
- Encouraging visitors to join activities and meals
- Hosting family and friends events throughout the year
- Celebrating festivities throughout the year

Holistic Well-being Through Engaging Activities
To us, a holistic approach to care is important. We don’t just look after physical health but also emotional and mental health too.
This is done through our activities programme at each home.
Not everyone will enjoy the same activities, which is why most of our homes have an activities coordinator who ensures there are a range of activities taking place throughout the week, months and over the year.
Each activities coordinator works with care staff to incorporate therapeutic activities that will support the care plans in place for residents. For example, cognitive functions are challenged and worked through activities such as puzzles, quizzes and reminiscence therapy; physical therapy is supported through chair exercises such as keeping the balloon up or chair tai chi; and mental health is supported with animal, garden and music therapy.
Care That Puts Your Loved One At The Centre
Customised care that puts your loved one at the centre is the core of LuxuryCare. Everything we offer stems from creating a home from home that your loved one is in the middle of.
Our staff go through rigorous training to ensure they meet the high standards set at our care homes so that you can leave each visit confident that your loved one is receiving the best possible care.
Visit one of our homes across Poole and Bournemouth to see how we put our residents at the centre of our care to create a lifestyle they will enjoy. On this visit, you will also be able to speak with our staff to learn more about how we develop care plans and meet your loved one’s needs.
Call us on 01202 037373 or complete our online contact form to book a visit.
We also recommend taking a look at some of our testimonials from relatives as they shed some light on the care we provide and how we deliver it:
- Seabourne House Care Home Relative Testimonial – Lynn & Jenny
- Regency Manor Relative Testimonial – Shirley
- Branksome Park Care Home Relative Testimonial – Andrew
- Kingsman House Testimonial – Eileen & Elaine
- Branksome Park Care Centre Resident Testimonial – Michael
- Eagles Mount Relative Testimonial – Rachel